Stuck...Consider Turning The Page and Trust

    "Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck Faith is the solvent that sets you free."
 Shannon Alder

 Dear Fearless Ones,
To remain comfortable in what you've always done, is to remain stuck in what you already know, done, and mastered.
To step out despite our fears, trepidations, and uncertainty is to trust that
 life has our backs and will steer us into the direction 
we are to go. 
Living a life on purpose, and intentionally is a everyday workout and calls us to be
 conscientious of our words, thoughts and actions as our everyday stride is to be in alignment with our values, 
 passions, and vision for our life. 
And to ultimately live from the intentions flowing from our heart.
May you move forward in faith and trust today to the next chapters of your life.  
May you enjoy your move to continuous freedom today.

May you be lifter to higher heights and deeper depths in your everyday stride today as you step out of your comfort zone of the familiar, predictable, and move into uncharted dimensions of your life.  
I welcome you sharing the new things you are exploring  and discovering about yourself in your life!  
Abundant Hope,
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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