The Wisdom, The Beauty, and The Grace...

Greetings Beautiful Mighty Ones,

Everyday we have the awesome opportunity to look for the wisdom, the beauty, and the grace in any given situation that comes knocking at our door.  
In times that are so vicarious and the daily notification of the atrocities in the world is commonplace  seeing the beauty in the world and grace in the moments can easily escape us. 

Some scenarios are not always beauty ridden and easily understood or readily renders wisdom. However the opportunity to seek the light, the best out of challenging and unwelcomed experiences are yet a choice we can elect.  We can look the other way when invited to be cynical, apathetic, and distrustful that good exist in the world.  

Life is abundant and we can choose to experience the bountiful wonder, beauty and bliss in the very blessing of being alive and perfectly whole and complete in the moment and offer grace to those who elect not to see the beauty or just don't have the capacity in the moment to do so. 

I invite you to join me and seeking to see the beauty, the grace and the wisdom in a given hurdle of  this day or the next,  Life is absolutely conspiring to set us up for the very best it as to offer. 

May your being-ness behold the grace in this day for the most complex and difficult and uncomfortable situation in your life in this very minute and season of Renewal.  

May your heart be renewed and your faith strengthened in ALL that is Loving and Magnificent.

 May you spring forward in the next chapter of your life fully aware of all the  unexplored wonders of living.

Happy Spring and Stay Well!

Abundant Light,
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW
Inspiational Life Coach


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