Joy Chooses Us

Dear Joy Filled Ones,

The beauty of basking in the joyful moments, and times in our life is knowing that the experience of joy is always available to us.

Joy is the inward state of bliss just because all is well on the inside no matter what is happening outside of us. 

Joy is the still reassurance that you are okay not because the things around you are perfectly aligned or you are tickled pink about the happenings in your life but its a deeper understanding that Life is Good because you choose to see its Goodness no matter what. 

Joy is knowing you are Good not because you live a  "perfect and flawless" life but you can see your beauty in the mix of imperfection.


Joy is that smile that appears on your face just because you are content in merely being. 

Joy is that middle of the day laugher that you find yourself partaking in just because you found yourself doing something silly. 

Joy is that even though I do not like what is happening in my life right now I choose to dance, and  take it in stride because our disappointing moments doesn't define our life experience. 

Joy is the middle of the day hug  you give yourself as an mere recognition of your inner magnificence.

Yes, Joy Chooses Us...
 Because it is always available to center us in moments where it appears that life has truly let us down.  We can elect to lean into our inner okay-ness  knowing that the core of who we are, is sill intact. Our value of being our truest self has not gone anywhere.


Yes, Joy Chooses Us When We remember that no matter how dark the cloud the sun is just behind it waiting to shine and shine the light on the best parts of being ALIVE, WELL and of SOUND MIND. 

May You Continuously Embrace the 


Infinite Peace,

Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW

Inspirational Life Coach


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