Choose Today To Live ...


To Live in the Moment Today!
Dear Timely Ones,
There is no time like the present to stop at a park and jump in the swing, or call that person that has been on our mind, send that thinking of you letter and or flowers, or take that mini weekend excursion to the place we've have been wanting to visit, 
or take time out to do that little thing that 
would make our heart sing. 
 We are all guilty of putting off the things and that appear to not be urgent, or apart of our everyday commitments or routines because of this notion that we believe we will have time tomorrow, next week, or year or when 
we get a moment.  
The notion of when we get a moment is an allusion as those future moments does not exist all we have is this present moment. 
Well the good news is no matter how seemingly small or insignificant the thing is that has been nagging at our heart to give our attention to,
today remains an option,
 as tomorrow is not guaranteed. 
Whether you set aside five, ten, fifteen or twenty minutes each day and commit to doing one enjoyable thing that typically you would put off to the next day is up to you. What is most important and invaluable is your effort and  choice to seize the moment and
 truly do 
what is in your heart.
Choose today to attend to the matters of the heart and pursue the things you have been yearning to do. 
May you Choose to Live in the Moment Today!

Abundant Life To You,
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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