Harmonizing Peace is a Choice

Harmonizing Peace is a Choice 
We Make Daily

Greetings Peace Keepers,
Day in and Day out we are face with situations and circumstances
 that can challenge 
and erode our peace of mind.  
These challenges can be packaged in many unsuspecting forms 
(stressful relationships of all kinds, unexpected demands of our energy, time, and resources).
However in the midst of these challenges we are given the divine opportunity and free will  to conscientiously choose PEACE.  
Sometimes we have 
moments of utter frustration and dismay,
 however we are yet in a dynamic position to pause and elect the state of harmonizing peace
Peace is a moment to moment choice 
that we make and sometimes
 we just need a little reminder that peace is just a second away from any moment of chaos.
May you know and embrace your sacred ability to choose harmonizing 
peace in an instant
Peace is a Choice we make everyday.

I invite you to choose Peace in this moment with me...
take a breath and step into the peace of just being ALIVE with the Gift of the Present..

Peace is truly about the re-conditioning of our mind to accept what is in the moment with no resistance. 

Peace is knocking at the door of our hearts, however it is up to us to let 
PEACE in our hearts
and REST, RULE, and
Continuously ABIDE.

May you graciously receive the reward of peace.
May you know and be peace in ways that you are unable to imagine 
however freely receive.
Infinite Peace To You Now and Always,
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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