Time To Focus

Dear Conscious Ones,
We are face with some many life depleting distractions. 
 If there ever a time where focus needs to be an everyday intention it is now. 
 Between our To-Do-List, daily commitments, family obligations and all consuming work habits/duties, we can easily loose sight of our purpose, true priorities and what matter the most.  Sometimes our well meaning loved ones can entice us into following their dreams, ambitions, and agenda and we loose sight of our own passions, purpose, and desire. It is in this moment we have the sacred opportunity to be still, listen to our hearts and Focus.

Our health, happiness, and fulfillment of purpose and sanity  depends on our focused attention 
on what matters the most to us. 
In order to live the life we are destine to live and experience the life we desire to live it requires us to have focused intentions.

 When we are sometimes frustrated and discouraged we can fixate on what  appears to be wrong instead of what is " ALL RIGHT". Here in lies an opportunity to course correct and sharpen our focus.
At the end of the day what we constantly think about is our focus. 
Our repetitive  thoughts guides our actions and behavior whether we are aware of it or not.

To Focus on that Which is Bigger than ourselves is to be Courageous.
May Conscious Focus
 Be the Order of the Days Ahead, 
as you move into the New Year.
Abundant Focus,
Shekina Me'chelle
Inspirational Life Coach


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