Make Room For Peace

Make Room For Peace

Dear Peacemakers,
Whether we are aware of it or not,
 room is made in our lives for 
what we value the most. 
 Things or possessions, relationships, projects of interest, and excessive work demands, and some time distractions 
does not accumulate in our lives on its own. 
 We make conscious and oftentimes unconscious decisions about what we
 invest our time and energy into.  
Also what we may unknowingly be 
inviting in our lives.
 Therefore, just like we offer our attention and make room for the relationships, jobs,
 commitments in our life that take up
 space in our everyday experience. 
We must intentionally incorporate daily or weekly practices that focus on 
affirming or creating peace.
   I invite you today to consider the many ways you are or can make an intentional 
effort to be still and present in the moment 
and find the inward contentment 
of being alive and embrace your 
 conscious capability to elect what gains 
your focus and attention. 
I invite you reflect upon what brings you abundant peace and turn within.  
I invite you to continue to be the peace you want to experience in world. 
Yes, experiencing peace in a sometime chaotic, unpredictable, and everchanging world is an everyday intentionality.

May you continue to wisely take inventory of your life and create the peace you want to experience in the world. 

Abundant Harmony, 
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW


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