An Unspoken Love... A Tribute To Godmothers'

A Tribute to Godmothers'
Dear Appreciative Ones,
Are you a Godmother or 
Have a Godmother?
Whether it was the neighbor, teacher, aunt that took a special loving interest and concern in your well being or your friend's mother who always had kind and uplifting words to impart or perhaps someone chosen by your parents or yourself.
These special women are worth celebrating and honoring.
 We can find Godmothers standing in the gap as guardians of our welfare and well being.  
Godmothers may not always gain the recognition for the significant role they play as faithful attentive listeners when you need someone to care and leaning on. 
Godmothers also offer,
 an enduring unconditional positive regard for our greatest potential and perfectly
 imperfect selves.
 They sometimes see our potential to thrive and excel even when we can't.
Godmothers' are too there to remind us of who we are in the midst of our greatest perceived challenges. 
Godmothers' are an essential part of the fabric of a family and children's lives of all ages.
 Godmothers' stand in the gap in the presence and absence of a maternal mother and alongside her side when she is 
still physically here. 
For I invite you on this day to make sure you let your Godmother, loving aunt, and family doula know how much they mean to you. 
I also offer an invitation for every Godmother who is reading this post to affirm your worth and value to everyone child, 
or adult whom you claim as your own and embrace the role you play as the Sacred Advisor, Blessed Guardian You Are.
Thank Goodness Any day can be designated as a day to uplift the beauty of all kinds 
of mothers. 

Infinite Blessings,
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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