We Are Invited To... TRUST Everyday!

Dear Trustful Ones, 
While trust appears to be in short supply these days we exercise a measure of Trust each day. 
We trust the chair won't break when we sit in it.
 We trust the bed we sleep in to hold us. 
We trust that people will stay in their lanes 
when we drive or stop when the traffic light turns red. 
We trust that we will be paid our wages when the designated pay day rolls around.
 We trust our hearts to beat, our lungs 
to enable us to breathe. 
 We trust, when we stand, that our legs will hold us up.
Everyday we leave our homes we trust that we will return whole, complete, with all body parts intact. 
With the abundance of cynicism and apathy in the world we still have the capacity to trust,
 and employ our trust in the decisions about our lives and relationships  each day. 
 For we are challenge to hold fast to our trust in the face of ongoing turmoil and tragedy in the world.

May we continue to tap into the well of hope 
that lies in the trust in the smallest miracles, acts of kindness or goodness that we possibly can encounter and experience each day. May the starting point of each of our days be a basic trust in that which greater and bigger than us...(HOPE)!
May we trust in our better selves and the goodness that yet remains in the hearts of those we don't know and would consider strangers. 
 May our trust continue to grow, flourish, and thrive. 
Abundant Hope, 
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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