Verification Can Be Our Friend...Trust But Verify

Trust but....

 Dear Astute Ones,
In this day and age we are often told things that are presented as facts and truths. However no matter what the nature of your relationship is with the person or entity or business you are getting information from,
 to make an informed decision 
about your life,
 its imperative that you verify that which you are being told when possible. 
This is something we all must do.
 It's not always that people are intentionally trying to deceive us, however they may not  genuinely have the correct or accurate information themselves. I found that when people believe they know what they know they are less likely to verify the source of their knowledge. 
However in this day and age it behooves us all to verify that which we are being told even sometimes by trusted sources.
After verifying that which you have been told using your gut instincts about how you are to proceed,
 with a matter of the heart 
or important life decision,
 is still well in order,
 as we are multi-dimensional beings that carries a wisdom in our hearts and minds that we easily can discount and underestimate. 
I invite you to trust 
the wisdom that which lies on the 
inside of you.

 My message of encouragement to you today is to continue to 
walk along the path of trust... 
trust in the best that life has to offer you....
to trust that life is for you....
to trust that you have everything you need for the Journey,
 however its okay to verify that which we are being told is true and sure fire. 
May you continue to trust and verify on your journey of continuing to be the best and brightest and most consciously informed human being as you can be. 
Abundant Hope, 
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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