On Our Journey of Turst... We Face Doubts!
Dear Decisive Ones,
It is not uncommon to be face with questions, reservations and uncertainties about whether we should continue in certain direction, maintain certain business or personal relationships,
or take a gigantic leap of faith and venture into a new career path.
No matter what our reservations, concerns, or doubts are moving forward in trust yet remains the
viable choice and option.
For doubt can hold us hostage in the
valley of indecision and
worst case scenarios mental drama,
thus it behooves us to step out in the lane of uncertainty and trust our instincts and
the inner voice that guides.
Sometimes its our vacillation and ambivalence about a situation that creates the obstacles, challenge,
and dis-ease itself.
We experience the world often as we see and interpret our experiences in it.
The question is, do you truly believe that life is for you and that your experiences overall whether welcomed or unwelcomed are for our highest and greatest good.
When we move through our doubts and make a choice about our life we are choosing to be free and not paralyzed by what we know, or think we know,
or concern about
what may or may not happen.
The fact of the matter doubts are a
dream non-starter.
Incertitude, hesitation, and indecision about pursing our dreams, passions,
and vision in life keeps us stuck in the unknown and comfort zones of our lives.
When we move forward in trust and make the best decision we can given the information we have at hand you are exercising our personal power of co-creating our experiences on the seedbed of the
power of choice.
For we most certainly have no control of external life events and natural disasters or how others feel about us.
However we get to choose our feelings, thoughts and perspectives.
We get to make choices about
how we spend our time, what we consume, and who we invest our trust in.
It is not uncommon to be face with questions, reservations and uncertainties about whether we should continue in certain direction, maintain certain business or personal relationships,
or take a gigantic leap of faith and venture into a new career path.
No matter what our reservations, concerns, or doubts are moving forward in trust yet remains the
viable choice and option.
For doubt can hold us hostage in the
valley of indecision and
worst case scenarios mental drama,
thus it behooves us to step out in the lane of uncertainty and trust our instincts and
the inner voice that guides.
Sometimes its our vacillation and ambivalence about a situation that creates the obstacles, challenge,
and dis-ease itself.
We experience the world often as we see and interpret our experiences in it.
The question is, do you truly believe that life is for you and that your experiences overall whether welcomed or unwelcomed are for our highest and greatest good.
When we move through our doubts and make a choice about our life we are choosing to be free and not paralyzed by what we know, or think we know,
or concern about
what may or may not happen.
The fact of the matter doubts are a
dream non-starter.
Incertitude, hesitation, and indecision about pursing our dreams, passions,
and vision in life keeps us stuck in the unknown and comfort zones of our lives.
When we move forward in trust and make the best decision we can given the information we have at hand you are exercising our personal power of co-creating our experiences on the seedbed of the
power of choice.
For we most certainly have no control of external life events and natural disasters or how others feel about us.
However we get to choose our feelings, thoughts and perspectives.
We get to make choices about
how we spend our time, what we consume, and who we invest our trust in.
Yes Doubt, irresoluteness, and our issues of concerns are real and should be examined however everyday we choose how and under what emotional and internal conditions we want to live.
For I encourage you,
to not underestimate the power of your personal choice to live a happy,
healthy, fulfilling and meaningful life.
Say Yes to Dreams,
Say Yes to your Passions,
Say Yes to Being Irreplaceable "You".
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach