Gems in Plain Sight

 What's Hidden in Plain Sight?
 Dear Perceptive Ones
We all have things that we are looking 
for or desiring. 
Sometimes we can look so long and 
hard for something, 
or someone that we loose sight of what is directly in front of us. 
This calls for us to slow down and be present to that which is within our reach however may not been noticed.
 It's an opportunity to truly focus on currently what is working and
 happening in our lives and also 
perceived obstacles. 
Most importantly its  an opportunity to stop and trust that all that is to be known, seen, and understood will unfold in its own time.
 as our hearts and minds remain open to discern the insights, gems and solutions that
 lie in the moment . 
I invite you to take a moment and reflect on who and what is in your life, community and 
Sometimes the ones we love are hurting right in front of us and we just have not taken the time to truly see their pain behind their 
smile, strengths, and beauty.
May you open your heart to the most vulnerable and un-exposed within your world. 
 May all that is to be revealed to you is unveiled right before your eyes in plain sight.

May you enjoy the beauty of the sun, the healing rays of the moon and the truth of your being continuously see you free and ground you !

Often time as creatures of habits we can be so focus on what is not going our way, 
or working out according to our desired plan that we miss the solutions, 
answers, the gems which are right
 in front of us. 
May you clearly see all that is to beheld, understood and received in this moment and trust that tomorrow will take care of itself. 
Abundant Vision and Light To You, 
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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