
Showing posts from 2018

Don't Miss Your Own Party

Y ou a re t he S tar...  T he S how M ust G o O n...   S o D on't M iss Y our O wn P arty! The P arty I speak of is your life long c elebration of b eing  a live and uniquely one-of-kind-you.  And the celebration of  l iving  the b est l ife y ou m ost p ossibly c an.   E veryday y ou w ake to yet a nother o pportunity to u napologetically  l ive your g reatest l ife e ver and to e njoy the p arty  along the w ay. We h ave the g ift of c o- c reating  o ur e xperiences and c hoosing h ow w e w ant to feel about the l ife we've been g iven and the situations we encountered.  Whether you see your l ife as a c ause f or c elebration or your days a head to m erely be d ealt with and b emoaned is up to you. H owever no matter how you see your l ife the show will go on with or w ithout your e nthusiasm, o ptimism, g ratitude and p ermission.  W hether you realize it or not … L ife is setting you up to win, and b...

Gift of Sacred Listening

D ear S acred L isteners, Are you being heard, seen and affirmed? Give someone the gift of sacred listening today. Support the Healing of  someone's heart with the gift of your undivided attention, complete presence, laser focus, and undistracted, non-judgmental listening. P resent O nes,  In world where there is so much noise from political/social platforms attempting to dominate our emotional and mental space,  we are called to wisely invest our attention.  L istening has become a luxury that everyone is not afforded. In the day and age where people feel invisible, disconnected, and un-engaged, as social isolation and loneliness has become a national health concern the gift of S acred L istening is so very needed. Have you every shared your space with a loved one, however felt they were physically somewhere else or attempted to have a heartfelt conversation to discover there was only talking, however no listening was apart of that conve...

New Beginnings Are Here... Awaiting Our Embrace

G reetings N ew Y ear C elebrants , A s we prepare for the N ew Y ear, it is important to note that a fresh start awaits us, as we let go of that which does not n urture, g row, or a ffirms us.  T he ending of the y ear r eminds u s that e verything h as its s eason and c hange is forever c onstant and o pportunities are e ver e merging for our b est s elves to s hine through. F eel f ree to leave b ehind in 2018 e verything that has s erved its p urpose and n o l onger f its in your l ife.  M ay this N ew Y ear be one that p ushes you to d iscover something w onderfully g ood and o utrageous  about y ourself and l ife.  L ife is full of surprises and c onstantly p resents us with r eveling i nsights and m ysteries that are  yet to u nfold, which are left on the j ourney we t ravel, to be d iscovered and r ealized. M ay your journey into the N ew Y ear be filled with h ealthy a nticipation and w onder for the many p ossibilities that a...

The Gift of Kindness

Kindness is a Gift D ear Wise Ones, K indness is a force that transforms the hearts of humanity  for the better.   The act of  kindness is often underestimated as it is often misinterpreted for weakness and over sensitivity.  However quite the contrary, kindness is the dynamic healing balm for the harden and broken hearts of humanity.   It would be a mistake to place kindness at the bottom of the list of intentions that we incorporate in our everyday life,  as our hearts thrive from the light of love. Take a moment to reflect upon the last time your heart was touch by a random act of kindness .   May that feeling of warmth and inner richness be the driving force that moves your heart to spread kindness every chance you get.   Kindness is the gift that keeps on giving as one act of kindness creates a ripple in the universe and plants the seed of love.   Kindness affords us all the opportunity to make a ...

Kindness is the Way

D ear T ender h earted O nes, I n a g lobal w orld , w here v iolence is c ommon p lace and b eing m ean , in human and i ndifferent a re   g aining p opularity, w e a re u niquely p osition to l ead w ith i ntentional k indness . M ay i ntentional k indness be y our c hosen w ay now and always .   K indness is f ree it c ost n othing to offer a s mile ,  e xtend a g entle h and of a ffection , or take a m oment to let s omeone k now t hat y ou c are .  May K indness be the o rder of your d ays now and especially as we c elebrate the m eaning , and s pirit of C hristmas . For everyday is an o pportunity to become just a little more w iser through the p ractice of k indness . F or it c an be y our a ct of k indness t hat l ifts s omeone f rom the d epths of d espair .   F or our g ift of k indness c an be the l ife l ine of a nother .  K indness is a ...