Don't Miss Your Own Party
Y ou a re t he S tar... T he S how M ust G o O n... S o D on't M iss Y our O wn P arty! The P arty I speak of is your life long c elebration of b eing a live and uniquely one-of-kind-you. And the celebration of l iving the b est l ife y ou m ost p ossibly c an. E veryday y ou w ake to yet a nother o pportunity to u napologetically l ive your g reatest l ife e ver and to e njoy the p arty along the w ay. We h ave the g ift of c o- c reating o ur e xperiences and c hoosing h ow w e w ant to feel about the l ife we've been g iven and the situations we encountered. Whether you see your l ife as a c ause f or c elebration or your days a head to m erely be d ealt with and b emoaned is up to you. H owever no matter how you see your l ife the show will go on with or w ithout your e nthusiasm, o ptimism, g ratitude and p ermission. W hether you realize it or not … L ife is setting you up to win, and b...