Investing In Yourself Is Essential

A Significant  Component of Life is About...

Wise Ones,
As We Spring Forward into the
 forthcoming Season, 
March 20th marks the Beginning of Spring,
 May you Consider Investing in 
Yourself like never before. 
I invite you to declare this Season of your life as the time for pure
 Self Investment.
There comes a time in our lives where we have to stop and take personal inventory of the amount of time, energy, and effort we are placing in our own personal growth, development, and well being. 
There comes that sacred time, where we are called to simply check in with ourselves and assess what our own needs are and what exactly we are seeking. 
It is the time of soul searching and tuning our ear to the cries of our heart, and 
yearnings of our soul. 
There comes a time in our life, 
where we have to give ourselves our complete undivided attention.

It's where our focus becomes,
 being okay in every aspect and
in every way in our life. 
There comes a time where your sole priority is taking care of your physical, emotional, spiritual well being which means streamlining who and what you invest your time in.  
There comes a time where you are simply clear about the relationships that enhance your life and the ones that add stress and complication to your life.
 The one thing that is for certain 
that's change as its constant,
 however how we respond or manage these changes are our sole responsibility. 
May you consider responding with 
fierce self care.
Happy Self Care Journey!
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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