Eunoia is Critical to Our Health

Humanity Needs More of This...
It's Matter of Optimal Well Being
Dear Beautiful Ones, 
In a world where we can easily get sucked into all things external and equate health primarily to looking a certain kind of way, and having good blood pressure and cholesterol numbers.
Taking a moment to pause and consider the value of our thoughts and condition of our mind, are necessary and paramount to possessing optimal well-being.  
The mass media inundates and broadcast on a daily basis behaviors and actions that exempt a lack of goodwill, kindness, compassion and love. Behaving in uncivil and inhumane ways have become more normalized. 

If there is ever a time where emphasis on wellness not only in body however in mind is necessary that time is now.

 So Invite you to celebrate and acknowledge the powerful mental state of Eunoia. 
May your life be continuously filled with the luscious fruits of your beautiful thinking.

 For We are Responsible for the World We Live In  as Our Actions Create our everyday experiences whether we are aware of it our not.
 As we can attract chaos and turmoil in our life when we leave it to others, or external circumstances and conditions to dictate our thoughts, feelings and ideas about life.

May Continuously Powerful Beautiful Thoughts Emerged From the Depths of Your Being During this 2019 Season of Spring!
Happy Journey To You,
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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