Forgiveness is a Gift We Give Ourselves

Choose to Give Yourself an Essential 
Gift today...
Choose Forgiveness, 
Mighty Ones!
Before we can truly forgive others we must first forgive ourselves.
 Too often we jump over an opportunity for deepening a relationships with ourselves from the affirmative sacred practice of self forgiveness.

 It's important for our health and well-being to forgive, however when is the last time you took a self inventory of the things and feelings that we can easily harbor in our hearts against ourselves?

 Maybe it was a relationships we entered perhaps it was a person or a thing or behavior we let into our life that undermine our well being. 

Thus we spend a period of our life operating in self-judgment and internal turmoil from choices we made that did not serve our highest.
 Its in times like these we are called to give ourselves permission to grow into true authentic forgiveness and heal at a rate that is most suited for you.

 I invite you to unwrap the gift of unforgiveness of self, so that you can prosper in consciousness, relationships and most importantly be healthy with oneself. 
 You deserve to be continuously internally free today.

Abundant Peace, 
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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