Our Unfolding is One of Life's Gifts...

Dear Faithful Ones,
Our Unfolding is One of Life's Gifts...
Will you Choose To Trust?
Life does not always flow according to our schedule, timeline, and plans. 
 Often time even when we put the effort and time into a project, relationship,  job, 
an assignment,  endeavor, or our health and well being,
 it does not necessarily mean that the results or the outcome desired will emerge at the moment
 or period of time we seek or think. 
Trust in these times becomes our best friend and constant companion.

As we trust that which is greater and bigger than our understanding and narrow view, 
"our trust" will move us to a place of rest and peace in the process 
and in the period of resting in our own unfoldment.
 We trust and  know in time that which is for us, has a way of falling in place
 in manner that is better than we could have ever seen, orchestrated or imagined. 
 It is in these sacred opportunities we are reminded that what is especially designed and
 crafted for our life can not be rushed or hurried. 
That which is for us comes at the perfect time our hearts, minds, and life is ready to receive it. 
The timing has more to do with our perception than the actually master plan 
that unfolds in our life. 
May you continue to be keenly aware of  that which is unfolding in your life when you least anticipate it.

May Abundant Trust Always Be Your Best Friend 
and Constant Companion!
Happy Unfolding to You,
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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