Are You Wearing Your Crown?

Greetings Royal Ones
In a world that will try to define us, and tell us who we are, it behooves us all to remember who and whose we are and the value of our beings.

So are you wearing your crown today?
 I encourage  you to don't leave home without it.  

Good Enough What Do! 
We are Worthy of the Very Best
 Life Has to Offer!

Are you in relationships that is serving your highest good and greatest joy?
Is your time invested in people, commitments and projects that honor, enhance, and enlarge your life?
It's time pull out your crown!

Is your heart open and your mind clear to what is present in your life at this very second?
 Are you choosing to not only be alive,
 however well, awake, and conscious to the
 opportunity to live the best life in this moment.

Be the Shero or Hero of Your Own Life 
and the Leading Character in your own story! 
Set up to the stage of your own divine destiny and
 flow in your greatness.

Our Life Have Value, 
We are Created For Purpose!
Wear Your Crown! 
Choose to Live an Opulent,
 Lush, and Abundant Life!

Always remember your Crown Jewels are internal and eternal …
The Jewels of Love, Joy, Goodness, Peace, Bliss, Hope are available to you at anytime you know what to do...yes.... turn within!
May you always embrace the value of being YOU!
You Are Worthy of all the Best that life has to offer now and always!

Abundant Life To You,
Shekina Me'chelle, MSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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