One Life Empowering Connection

The Power of One Life Altering Connection

Dear Empowered One,
Sometimes we can easily forget that 
we can be one connection away from
 our lives totally changing. 
For we never know who is waiting to fund, 
or support or dreams. 
We simply don't know who seeks the opportunity to just make our day in a positive way.
There is value in appreciating 
the everyday encounters and 
connections we make effortlessly.  
The friendly conversations with the grocery store attendants should not be taken for granted. 

We are surrounded by people in our life that can make
 an enormous difference in our present quality of life and they can be easily discounted as merely the person we had a chance encounter in the grocery store, or walked passed on our way into the gas station. 
For we never know what little act of kindness that will change the trajectory of someone's life.
You never know who may walk into your life and give you just the gentle nudge you need to get you through a tough day.

We don't have to pass ignorance and life limiting beliefs down to the next generation. However we can be the one that offers them the wisdom of life affirming  perspective.
May you and I be open to the possibility of being that ONE.

Infinite Blessings,
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW


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