Masters of Our Fate...Not Victims of Circumstance

 Dear Reflective Ones,
I invite you to consider that
 we truly are not the victims of our circumstances,
 but rather the Navigators and Masters
 of our Fates.
 In times where it appears that so much is happening too us in the rapidly changing world around us,
 these changes creates the 
opportune time,
 to remind us that we decide how we choose to respond to the uncontrollable events that occur in the world and
 in our lives
While yes there is currently a contagious virus that has impacted how we socially move through the world in terms of how we 
interact with people
However we still get to choose our attitudes,
 how we feel about ourselves and 
loved ones,
whether we look to hope or
 fear to guide us and 
ultimately what we invest our energies in
 It is still okay to nurture our internal hopes and dreams while waiting for this time of 
sheltering in place or quarantine to past. 
 For this time invites us to take a look inside ourselves and reflect on what we value, whose is most important to us and nurture the internal relationship we have with ourselves

 For  this is an invitation to remember that we have the power to create our personal circumstances versus being dominated by vicarious circumstances. 

Abundant Peace, 
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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