Inner Peace Is a Measure of Success

The Road to 
Life's Greatest Success 
is through the
 Doors of Inner Peace

Dear Peaceful Ones,
We live in a world where some many of us 
are hustling to achieve our goals,
 pursue endeavors that we have tied
 to our happiness & self worth, or
 make to the age of retirement or 
acquire that which we perceive will fulfill us. 
However the greatest success we could have is through daily practices that bring us peace.
Being internally successful is about 
  making the conscientious choice to stop, reflect, and go within and tap into the stillness of your being and surrender to peace.  
If we allow ourselves permission to focus on the things that calms, and soothes us there is a quality of life that we gain access to that is far greater than any external achievements .   
Inner peace is a state we can choose the moment we recognize that we are out of alignment when operating on the level that our best self is not shining through. 

 Success can be define in many ways as its viewed through the eyes of the beholder. 
However sustainable success,
 that adds to our life and improves our ability to thrive, and ebb and flow in a world, that changes on a dime,
 comes from a quiet place within and not from external means.

I invite you to elect to chose inner peace as your own personal measure of success, the next time you may hold yourself in criticism or judgement for a goal you did not reach, or task you did not complete, accomplishment you didn't achieve.
For Inner Peace is available to us any moment we choose to go there.

Abundant Peace, 
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW
Inspirational Life Coach 


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