
Everyday Signs
Life Signs

Dear Intuitive Ones, 
There are times in our life where we rely on traffic signs or external indicators to get us from point  A to point B or aide in our travel to arriving to a specific destinations. 
However what must one do when the very guiding post in your life is leading you into circles. 
 I recently was attempting to exit the long term airport parking garage and in following the exit signs 
I became keenly aware after seeing the same parking spaces and cars twice that the signs were wrong. 
It was in that moment that I had to elect to depend on my own sense of direction and inner guide to navigate out of the parking garage so that I might complete my journey for that day.
  From this experience greater insight was gathered where I was reminded that there comes a time where the very signs we depend on, we can no longer rely on it to get us where we need to go in life, or relationships or various situations of question.
 It is in these moments we must trust that we have an internal guide and compass to lead us to our next venture, destinations, mission or simply getting home. 
I invite you to consider what possible signs in your life you have been depending on for direction or making a decision about a matter of importance and reflect upon whether these signs are actually helping you or leading you onto circles.
It has been said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. 

How often have been relied upon what we have always done, or our history and familiarity with a given situation to be the sole basis to continue to do something.
In this new decade we have been given an opportunity to  explore new and fresh ways of being and
 expand our perspectives.
May you take full advantage of every opportunity that unfolds in your life to see beyond the signs and be moved by what is felt in your heart and mind.
Happy Journey!
Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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