
Showing posts from April, 2019

Trust The Daily Inspiration of Nature

Dear Illuminating Ones,  Trust the hope that the Sunrise  delivers to us everyday.   The hope of experiencing all the beauty that can be provided in  any given day. The hope of joyful and illuminating moments where our heart  beats with love. Trust the sunrise of the day to lend you the inspiration you need to get through the day.   The sunrise reminds us that there is a dawning of a brand new day.    The sunrise serves as a symbol of the opportunity for  new beginnings and a fresh start.  In the midst of our most challenging exhausting and frustrating day there is yet another day, that is on our heels waiting to move into our present.  We it seems like our trust is being put to the test here comes yet another sunrise to move us past our place of exasperation.  Mother nature is always on the job of illuminating beauty, sharing her splendor  in all of her glory.    Trus...

On Our Journey of Turst... We Face Doubts!

Dear Decisive Ones, It is not uncommon to be face with questions, reservations and uncertainties about whether we should continue in certain direction, maintain certain business or personal relationships,  or take a gigantic leap of faith and venture into a new career path.  No matter what our reservations, concerns, or doubts are moving forward in trust yet remains the  viable choice and option. For doubt can hold us hostage in the  valley of indecision and  worst case scenarios mental drama,  thus it behooves us to step out in the lane  of uncertainty and trust our instincts and  the inner voice that guides.  Sometimes its our vacillation and ambivalence about a situation that creates the obstacles, challenge,  and dis-ease itself.  We experience the world often as we see and interpret  our experiences in it.  The question is, do you truly believe that life is for you and that your experiences over...

Trust... The Journey of Self Discovery

D ear P atient O nes , In Our J ourney of  T rust we are strategically position to discover what lies on the inside of us.   Sometimes we underestimate the h idden t reasures of f ortitude, p erseverance, s taying p ower and r esilience that dwells within us. In venturing to move into the spheres of the unknown an unique opportunity emerges, for us to learn what we are made of and can endure.    In our J ourney of t rusting life to unfold in our favor and highest good, strengths that we may have known that we possess spring forth. In this J ourney of T rust a space in our lives surfaces that gives way to i nsights, and   u nderstandings about  what we value and what is most important which lens us a l ife a ffirming p erspective.  Our j ourney of t rust creates the o pportunity for more c larity about life, ourselves than we have had before.  For these are all g ifts that b irth from merely t rusting that ...

Trust the Process

Greetings Process Driven Ones,      Having a vision for our life is essential. However being unattached to how that vision unfold or manifest is paramount, as  Life is all about the  "PROCESS".   We can't escape the series of events, or unexpected happenings in our lives that pushes us to our highest and best self.  Sometimes we push ourselves to the limits with the expectation the outcome will be as we planned only to discover their is another plan at work. A plan that we did not exactly and  directly seek,  in terms of moving us toward our life's vision.   For we find that they're swift transitions, twists and turns in life that we often don't foresee, however in the end, still has a way of moving us closer to the vision that we harbor in our heart. It's in times like these we are called to trust the PROPCESS.  Trust the moving parts that we don't see shifting in our favour. Trust that we ...

Trust Starts From Within

Trust the Wisdom of Your Body D ear I ntuitive O ne ,  Have you ever felt something in your gut about your need to check on something concerning your health or aspect of your life and you ignored it because there seemed to not be any evidence or facts  supporting your feeling.  Only to later learn that what you sensed, discerned or felt  had more merit than you thought.  I invite you to trust yourself more now than ever before. Trust when something does not feel quite right in your body or in a particular situation that there is at least something to look at, explore, and give a moment of reflection to.   They're are times where you have to be your own trusted advisor and listen to your heart.  It is so easy to get wrapped and caught up with everything that is outside of us that we can loose sight of what is best for ourselves and what our body is telling us.  For this is an opportunity to pause, listen, and be attuned ...

Do You Trust Yourself?

D o You T rust Y ourself? Before we can truly authentically trust our most beloved family, friends and loved ones we should consider wholeheartedly trusting ourselves.  D ear T rustworthy O nes , In times where people get brownie points for being truthful as if its not apart of just purely being a descent human being the inner question often emerges who can I truly trust.  When entering new relationships of various kinds the question of trust is always  a factor in some way. When we eat out there is a measure of trust we employ to feel comfortable eating food that we did not personally prepare.  However of all the significant ways and means we put our trust into action the most important type of trust we could ever invest in is the trust we place in ourselves.  Trusting that when we make decisions and choices that we ae making them to the best of our abilities with the  best knowledge we have at the given time.  Tru...