M iraculous O nes , W ho s aid m iracles h ad to o nly b e v isible ? Greetings Miraculous Ones, All miracles are not visible to the eye. I would even infer that our most life affirming and altering miracles often exist in the invisible. We encounter miracles in the moments where we feel an unexplainable calm and renewing peace that comes over us for no external apparent reason. Miracles, hover over us in the times where in our hearts there is a resounding message that reassures us despite the external chaos and mayhem in our external world " all is well " and everything is going to "be alright". We experience the miracle of laughter at moments in our life where what is occurring is far from being funny or joy rendering. We experience miracles at unsuspecting moments, where we have reach the bottom of our barrel of hope and a friend or a stranger extends an encouraging word or act of kindness when we needed it the most. Our most potent m...
" Patience is an inner pause, a brief stillness, a moment we give ourselves to breathe through our initial reaction so we can move to the place where a calm, thoughtful response is born. Patience is a gift of time we give ourselves so we can give the gift of peace to others.” ―L.R. Knost. Happy New Year, New Decade, & New You... Wisdom Seekers, Faithful Blog Readers, In 2020, I invite you to welcome moments of pause in your life. Too often we can miss the moments to breathe, and process what is happening in our lives and the experiences that we are moving through. When we seized the opportunities to stop, and collect our thoughts and consider our words and how we should carefully respond to either people, or in situations that require wisdom driven actions, we reap the benefits, as our actions add and not subtract from the value of our life. Pausing is a great way to slow down and savor the unforgettable details of our...
TO D ear P resent O nes, L ife invites us everyday to w ake up and B e P resent to the G ift that l ies in the h ere and n ow. In the c ulture of m ultitasking, m ulti-commitments, and often being stretched thin e mbracing the m oment and the h ere and n ow does not make it to the l ist of p riorities. We can easily m iss out of the j oys, p leasures, and r ichness of our d aily g ifts from our f ull p articipation by way of our a ttention to what is h appening r ight b efore our e yes. O ften time we are p resent in b ody, however our m ind is in another l ocation. If we are not c onsciously c areful we could find o urselves s leeping w alking through l ife as we are m entally and e motionally checked out, however are just merely m aking a ppearances to the s pecial m oments, e vents and o ccasions in our l ife and the l ives of the ones we l ove. For we are c alled to c onsider that s howi...
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