Fear Is A Trap...Choose The Path of Love Today

Dear Fearless Ones, 

I invite you to choose love when fear creeps in and tries to rob you of the divine truth and peace of mind.

The divine truth that life is for you, as fear will try to trick you into the belief that life is against you.

Fear is Truly a Trap ...as it will try to convince you that you are not Good enough, Smart Enough, or Wise Enough to navigate the vicissitudes of life. 

But your heart of divine truth knows you are the perfection of love.

For Fear is a Trap...
Fear keeps us from being who we are born to be if we let it.

Fear keeps us confine to places and spaces that no longer serves us, grows us or lifts us into our higher selves.
Fear keeps us bound. Fear keeps us from being who we are destined to be.

Fear keeps us from our Greatness.

Fear keeps us from our worthiness and truly experiencing the best that life as to offer and from our sweetest and most beautiful moments.

Fear Keeps us from living a full rich, plush, abundant life.
It's time   to kick fear to the curve and choose to stand in our divinity and lean into truth. And walk with our back straight and head held high and choose the path of love every day. 

Yes, life Loves You. Life Loves us. And we can choose our thoughts, and our feelings about our experiences. 

Will we choose to step into our Greatness or walk in defeat, doubt, and despair. 
We can choose our inner abundance or believe the appearance of lack, scarcity, and limitation.

We get to choose from moment to moment, how we experience what is happening to, through and around us,

May you Choose the path of love and divine truth today!

Abundant Peace.
Shekina Me'chelle,, LMSW
Inspirational Life Coach


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