A Love Check
It's Time For a Love Check Dear Loving Ones, A s we exit out of the calendar month d edicated to celebrating love I invite you to do a love check. C onsider checking out the love t hat is in your life and think about how w ho you are connected to makes your heart feel. F or love is beautiful...are the relationships i n your life springing forth a sense of s heer beauty in the way you feel, and experience the world? W hen you think of the people you love a nd those who profess their love to and for you... do you smile? F or love is not cruel, possessive, or manipulative. F or love sets us free! F ree to be ourselves and continuously evolve into our best selves and pushes us to shine our light. D oes the love you have for yourself frees you? D oes the love that others have for you e ncourages your constant unfoldment and growth? D o you feel...