
Showing posts from March, 2020

Scarcity Thinking is Lurking Beware

 I t ' s A ll   A bout E mbr a cin g  T he Gr eat E nough-ne s s Dear Abundant Minded Ones, Scarcity Thinking is Lurking Beware! In times like these we are called to remember that we have more than enough and hoarding common household products that we all can benefit from is not the answer. While people hunker down in their homes, to contribute to stopping the spread of COVID-19  a perception of scarcity lurks, one of the ways we refrain from adopting scarcity thinking mentality is through trusting and knowing that we have  more than enough for ourselves,  families and loved ones. If there is every a time where being grounded in  an Abundance state of being the time is now. 

Masters of Our Fate...Not Victims of Circumstance

  Dear Reflective Ones, I invite y ou to c onsider t hat   w e truly are n ot the v ictims of o ur c ircumstances,  b ut r ather the N avigators and M asters  of our F ates .  In t imes where it a ppears that so m uch is h appening too us in the rapidly c hanging world around us,  these changes c reates the  o pportune t ime ,  to r emind us that we d ecide h ow we c hoose to r espond to the uncontrollable events that o ccur in the w orld and  in our lives .  W hile yes t here is currently a c ontagious virus that h as impacted how we s ocially m ove through the w orld in terms of h ow we  i nteract with p eople .  H owever we still get to c hoose our a ttitudes ,  h ow we feel about o urselves and  loved ones, whether we look to hope or  fear to g uide us and  u ltimately what we i nvest our e nergies in .    I t is sti...

Being Calm, Cool, and Collected ....its Still An Option!

  Being Calm, Cool, and Collected... It's A Choice Worth Making   D ear S erene O nes , In questionable times like these, where much is out of the  realm of our lotus of control...we still can choose to be  Calm, Cool and Collected,  while taking the necessary precautions to be and  stay well to the best of our abilities. I know that these exact times has not been seen before where there is an international pandemic however our state of consciousness is yet a choice. In this moment I extend an invitation for you to continuously opt into the state of peace, in the midst of the storm of circumstances by which we have no control over.  Peace is yet affordable,  as we can't not afford the cost of  mass panic, hysteria,  and disease evoking fear  Abundant Peace, Shekina Me'chelle, LMSW Inspirational Life Coach

Spring Forward in Abundant Generosity

S pring A bundance     Dear Generous Ones, There are so many ways to give and contribute to the healing of another,  add to the internal riches of their life,  and bountifully contribute to the value of their life's journey.   This act of giving is through the portals  of  Wholehearted Internal Generosity. While generosity is often thought of in the context of monetary gifting or donating to worthy causes, there are other meaningful  ways we truly can give to each other,  on a daily basis in a holistic and  wholehearted way.  An Invitation of Daily Gifting of Kindness  When we extend kindness to ourselves and others this contributes to the well of abundance that enhances and strengthens our relationships and offer a significant space for healing to occur in the lives of those we intimately touch.   Oftentime all that someone wants is to know that someone cares. I invite you to consider an act of kind...

Self Appreciation... Get Your Daily Dose!

L ead D aily W ith S elf A ppreciation The Time Has Come For You To....   D ear E mpowered O nes , S ometimes in our efforts to h onor and s erve those w ho are most i mportant in our l ives we can easily f orget that a ppreciation b egins with the p ersonal r elationship  we h ave  with ourselves.   It is v ital to our o ptimal health and well b eing that we all take the time to a ppreciat e our daily strides in the w orld to be our best and b rightest self d espite our i mperfections .  In the m idst of one's short c omings , there is m ulti -d imensional e motional and p sych-socia l value in g iving o neself a pat on the back for daily s uccesses, and w ins  and just being  "One-of-a-kind" . S top and pat y ourself on the b ack and h ave a m oment of SELF APPRECIATION! You Deserve Your Own Internal and External  Recognition! It is e ssential that we ta...

Enoughness is A State of Being

The state or condition of being enough ; sufficiency ; adequacy . Dear Happy, Whole and Complete Ones,  We are surrounded with messages in society that tells us that what we have,  who we are is not enough.   There is constant enticement from the media, TV commercials, radio broadcasting to buy or invest in one more product, pill, or gadget to "make our lives easier or for us to look and  feel our best".   If there is ever a time for us to remember our intrinsic value and worth the time is now.  For being who we are and showing up as our authentic self, while striving to put forth  our best is enough.   Embracing one's enough-ness is a everyday practice and choice that is worth making.  Otherwise the alternative is chasing an illusion of perfection and believing in a narrative of sacristy, lack and limitations and rejecting the value of one's self.  I am of the belief, when we are born we have everythi...