
Showing posts from November, 2018

Try... Holding On!

G reetings o f   L ove a nd L ight , M ighty O nes , I t's A bout In the era of the predominance of social media,  political mayhem, and the strong influences of reality TV show melodrama, one can easily become disenchanted with the state of the world's consciousness and  hearts of humanity.   However, I urge you to ... To the Essence and the very best parts of  Who and Whose You Are.   In veracious times like these, one is called to create their own self empowered narrative and trust in a power greater than their own.  For we are especially charged with the everyday stride  to simply  … Holding on to your light, and trust that your purpose in the  world is yet to be fulfilled. To your gifts, talents and innate abilities  that make your presence in the world invaluable. To  your  sacred connection with yourself, through the portal of self-love and commitment to do your part...

Check Your Backyard

G reetings D iscerning O nes , W hat you are s eeking is r ight in f ront of y ou ... I t i s i n y our o wn b ackyard at you! What we are seeking is often right within our reach, however we are so focus on what we don't have, we miss out on what we do.  I have found that, when we allow  what is for us,  to just flow in our life,  we gain a clear perspective about what we have had all along.  With a open mind and heart,  we often can find beauty, unconditional love and kindness  right in our backyard.   It is the most unexpected places you find undescribed beauty.   I was spending time on my patio and discover splendid beauty right in my backyard.   Beauty surrounds us however we are so focus on the ugliness in the world we can easily miss the infinite beauty. Where you are there lies your gold mine.  For we never have to seek joy, hope, or peace as all of...

Did You Take Your Vitamins?

G reetings H ealth C onscious O nes, M ake s ure y ou g et y our D aily D ose T here are some v itamins that are not only good for the b ody but most i mportantly good for the soul. These s upplements we can not afford to neglect to take. The s upplements I speak of are not of this world  b ut of the soul . Joy get your daily dose . Peace get your Daily Dose M ultivita min f or t he s oul S earch y our h eart a nd c alculate y our d aily dose. M ake s ure y ou t ake w hat y our n eed today. M other N ature S urrounds U s and provides valuable nutrients for our body M ake S ure y ou g et y our d aily d ose  E verything we n eed to feel g ood and be w ell is within r each . T ake time for y ou and get e xactly what you n eed for your m ind , b ody , and soul t oday . C heers to t aking y our d aily d ose . It's all about the Multi-Action Vitamin... it is power pact. May...

There is a Stillness in the Soul

A Season of Stillness is Nigh D ear Peaceful Beings, There comes a time in our lives where being at rest in the abode of stillness is the Season that calls our name.  A Season of stillness is often called forth when our mind and temple is in need of recharging, renewing and refreshing itself. Stillness is the order of the day when your life is in transition from one major event to another. Stillness calls our name, when we are at pivotal moments of time in our life, where our next move is life altering and momentous. I invite you to just take a second and rest your mind and sit in the seat of  stillness in your soul .   Stillness is the state that is best for catching up with oneself and attuning ourselves to what is orbiting inside of us. In the world of distractions, busyness, and aimless movement we can easily become disconnected from the core of our being and lose vital parts of ourselves , in the many roles we occupy in our external relationships wi...

Diamonds in the Making

D ear T reasured O ne , D id you k now t hat you are a D iamond  in the m aking ? The T reasure W ithin is a lways w aiting to e merged when the p ressures of l ife seemed  to w eigh us d own and h as b ack us in a c orner of  w hen will this be over;   a nd the un certainties of life , do ubt , f ear , and w orry  lurk in the shadows of our mind .   It is in t his moment we can c hoose to trust that life is for our highest and g reatest good and s omething wonderful can be birth in and though us out of the most u nsettling and challenging experiences . The Best of Who we Are often shines under the most u nexpected , u ncommon , and u nwelcomed   circumstances.   The j ourney of life is all about becoming what we are destined to be and w atching our life un fold in the most s acred way . M ay you e mbrace your inner tr easures and t rust you have e verything you need for ...