It's An Invitation
I s I ssuing Y o u A n T o B e C ourageous C ourage is k nocking o n t he d oor o f y our H eart ! W ill y ou let C ourage i n ? C ourage is w hispering in your ear. Will you listen to what C ourage is saying ? C ourage says you can, but fear says you can't. C ourage says trust, your ego says no you must doubt. C ourage says you will travail, but your past whispers you won't succeed. C ourage says the time is now, but your c ircumstances says not yet. C ourage r ecognizes that the door of o pportunity has just opened, but insecurity says things are not in my favor. C ourage says it will all work out, don't quit, however the voice of reason says quit while you're ahead. For C ourage is always a choice! C ourage Chooses You Everyday! Will you fly on the wings of C ourage ? C ourage b eckons you to come in to your own. C ourage i nspires...