
Showing posts from December, 2019

What Do You Choose To Create in 2020

What do you choose to Create Today? Dear Master Designers,  you have the power through the choices you make and the actions you employ to create chaos or peace, to be apart of a move for unity or division', to spend your time lamenting over the past or creating new experiences in the present.  In every moment it is up to us to decide how we want to live our life, use our gifts and talents.  We get to create the meals we consume, to select how we use our leisure time, the books we read, how we use our imagination. Whether we are aware of it or not we are constantly creating and choosing the very experiences that we find ever so present or absence in our life. I invite you to consider,  what you want to intentional create in your life,  as you move closer to entering into a new decade.  May all that you create enhance and uplift your life in the most profound and empowering way. May you always remember and know... ...

It's Time For A Internal Daily Wellness Check

Embrace That You are Worthy of  Your Own Happiness Sometimes we forget in the strive to be all we can be, and accomplished all that we can accomplished that we are so worthy of our own Happiness.  Not the happiness that is define by society,  popular culture, political &social community,  but the happiness I speak of,  is that of  what makes you smile and  your heart sing and  puts a pep in your unduplicated step. What gives us a slight but significant lift in our day varies from person to person.  However it behooves us all,  to be in tune with what floats our boat, empowers our stride, and sweetens the pot of life for us.  We can easily become so distracted  by focusing on what we see, hear,  outside of ourselves from TV, Social Circles, Family Members, Popular Culture to the extent that we loose sight of what holds true for you.   Taking a daily centering moment to ...

A Time For Introspection

C hoose to S ee Y our P erfection Choose to See Your Incredible Vast  Inner Beauty, Greetings Beauty Seekers! In a world where our flaws, imperfections, indiscretion and mis-steps are quickly broadcast within the social and mainstream media, and even within our community and social circles, quickly without empathy, mercy and grace. It is important to remember.... We must be intentionally in embracing the parts of who we are that is perfectly created and irreplaceable such as our smile, presence, and essence.  Seeing the beauty in one's self is an intentional life affirming practice, that enhances one's emotional, physically and  overall well being.  However just like maintaining one's personal hygiene it should be done daily. If there ever is a time to be introspective and reflect upon what makes you imperfectly perfect,  the time is now,  as we culminate the 2019 year and prepare to enter into another decade of living ...

Seize The Moment And Follow Your Heart

Dear Moment Seizers,  While 2019 is culminating, we still have sixteen days left in the month of December. Instead of merely gearing up for the new year and decade,  we have the gift of this very second,  minute, and moment to make it the best ever.  If there is person you have been meant to call,  a letter that you have put off writing,  or  visit to someone endearing to your heart that you have planned to make  now is the time to make that visit.  I invite you to follow your heart and give your attention to the matters and affairs of your heart.  Perhaps it was a local restaurant in your city you have been meaning to try, or place in nature that  you have intended to travel to.  Whatever has been on your heart that does not require an enormous undertaken or extensive planning  consider taking this moment  and treasure it and create a memory worth cherishin...

A Life of Freedom

Authentic Freedom   Dear Beings of Freedom, Our true and authentic freedom  is up to us. There are all kinds of freedom.  Emotional Freedom, Educational Freedom , Financial Freedom, Spiritual Freedom, and Physical Freedom...  However Authentic Freedom starts within. Freedom is exercised in one of the most  fundamental ways as it began in our minds  We have the Freedom to choose our thoughts .   We have the  Freedom to choose how we spend our time and the company we keep.  We have the freedom to choose what our daily focus is and what sits in the center stage of our lives. We can hold ourselves captives from the joy and  enriching experiences that expands our lives.  We have the choice to choose to live in the  present or in the past.    Freedom is an intention we must choose each day.  The media, mainstream culture will attempt to define what freedom is, ...

Life A Never Ending Journey of Discovery

T here i s S o M uch   Y et t o   D iscover , L earn a nd E xplore !  D ear A dventurous O nes , W hat adds the to richness of life is that we have not seen, heard, and experienced it all.   T here yet remains the zone of the unknown,  un-explored, and discovered that is yet lingering within our reach.   A t the end of the day we truly are babies of this world in relation to the age of the soil on the ground, the age of the trees, and the many generations and historical events that has come before us.  A s we culminate this year and prepare to enter into a new decade of living,   M ay you discover something vast and amazing about yourself, life, the earth and  new in the  meaningful relationships you are currently in.   C heers to this ever expanding and evolving J ourney called L ife.   Abundant  Shekina Me'chelle, MSW Inspirational Life Coach www.shekinasupportservi...