
Showing posts from April, 2020

Kindness is Still Infectious...Make Sure You Catch It!

Dear Kindhearted Ones,  In a time where people's fears and outrage over the sheltering in place safety measures continues to make headline news and the media continues to highlight protest of Americans whose focus is on putting the lives of the masses at risk for their individual right to die.   It is refreshing to hear and view the stories of  the massive acts of human kindness around the world in response to this humartarian crisis.  Yes, there are many in times of crisis respond with kindness and compassion,  while facing the everyday risk that we all face.  The examples of those who choose to  lead with kindness can not be celebrated,  highlighted, and uplifted enough.   Thus I wanted to dedicate today's post to shedding light on some moving stories. Please a take a moment  to read or view a few stories that has warmed my heart.  Kindness in Action When you order from this restaurant y...

The Beautiful Offerings of Mother Nature

 Dear Lovers of  Nature, April 22, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of a day set aside to celebrate Mother Earth.   I invite you to take a moment in this day to behold something wonderful in mother nature  as you are sheltering in place.   It could be the flowers in your garden, the green grass, the blue sky, or the trees or listening to the birds sing.   Perhaps you might consider adding a little more life to your home environment and plant some flower or  vegetable seeds or purchase a bouquet of fresh flowers .  I invite you to take a moment to listen to the whistling of wind,  behold the movement of the leaves on the trees, or the inter-play of  squirrels in the out doors, or perhaps take a deep breath outdoors an inhale a bit of fresh air.  Mother Nature offers us some much magnificent sites to behold if only we stop and receive her great offerings.  May not be able to walk in the f...

Be Sure To Take Your Daily Dose

T ake Y our D aily D ose Dear Health Conscious Ones, In Times Like These We must be  Vigilant in taking our daily  soul lifting vitamins,  to maintain our inner healthy.   For it is our daily actions that feed and maintain our inner fitness, emotional stability, and stamina.  I invite you to check the medicine cabinet of your soul and make sure you are not deficient in the necessary inner nutrients that strengthens our vitality and overall optimal well being.  Be Sure To Take Your Daily Dose of   Vitamins A (Action) Its our everyday life affirming practices and daily empowerment routines that fortify our inner constitution.    Be Sure To Check the levels of  your   Vitamin  B ( Belief) Our Beliefs can either nurtures us or detract from the vitality of our life.  The choice is ours everyday,  to employ life affirming values that uplifts 0ur hearts and builds o...