
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Glorification of Sacrifice

The Glorification of Sacrifice  Dear Heartfelt Giver,  Con scious  and  Heartfelt givi ng from a place of fullness is a healthy way to grow and experience great internal rewards along our journey in this ever evolving life.  However giving from a place of deficiency and relinquishing essential parts of our being for the greater good, or a relationship, or job isn't the most life affirming way to live.  It behooves each of us to be mindful of the glorification of exchanging our life for something, or someone outside of ourselves  for the sake of the "greater good".   Our first and foremost responsibility is to be the best steward of the gift of the life we have been given, thus sacrificing  one's peace of mind  for the sake of another,  or be apart of a depleting relationship for the benefit of another or committing one's life to unhappiness for the sake of keeping the peace must be consistently  ...

Emotional Self Sufficiency Is Essential

Emotional Self  Sufficiency    is  Essential To Living...  It Open the Doors To Our Personal Freedom  Dear Emotional Sufficient Ones, The doors to our internal freedom is connected to our willingness to nurture and attend to our own emotional needs and not seek for others to give us the validation and affirmation  that only comes from within.  Apart of possessing and maintaining a healthy relationship with ourselves, is about being the primary participant in our own emotional health and mental well being. Being free from not only the negative but the good opinion of others opens the gate of our heart to unconditionally embrace who we are without other people's permission.  Our emotional freedom is connected to our own  healthy opinion of ourselves. It behooves us to embrace all parts of our emotions in order to live the unapologetically emotional healthy life we are destined to live. May you continuously ...

The Gift of Self Sufficiency....YES YOU CAN!

S elf S ufficiency is a  P recious , N ecessary , L ife G ift ... YES WE WE CAN ! D ear S elf S ufficient O nes , S elf R eliant E mpowered P eople , In a world where we are constantly inundated with messages,  telling us we are "not enough" and  what we need is a "pill",  some kind of intimate relationship,  quick fix or essentially something  outside ourselves;  it becomes imperative, that we know and embrace our own ability to help, empower,  and inspire ourselves.  We have everything we essentially need to wisely navigate in this world  inside of ourselves.  We were birth in the world with the necessary tools for the journey.  It truly is a matter of taking a moment to take a self inventory of our  inner treasures and strengths.  Taking  "S elf   I nventory " does not negate the critical times where we need to reach out to others to assist or aide us in sig...