
Showing posts from July, 2019

Life is About Activating Our Joy Spotting Intention

J oy S potting D ear J oyful O nes, P ossessing, s potting, and e mbracing o pportunities to e xperience j oy is an v aluable i ntention o f i ts o wn.  As this "J oy S potting"   i ntention i s w orth i ncorporating  i n our l ives e veryday.   It is so easy to miss the opportune moments to be present to the joyful moments in our busy everyday lives. Because we are so focus on merely getting through our day.  This is why it behooves us to take the time to Joy Spot" its living with an intention to pay attention to the moments  that make us smile.  Its about being mindful of the acts of kindness that warms our heart and contributes to the ordinary goodness  in our lives.  I invite you today to take a moment and gaze at the blue sky and feel the warmth of the sunrays on your skin or  relish in the  in the embrace from someone you love and let these moments fill your soul.  F o...

Living a Life of Trust is a Choice

Living a Life of Trust  Greetings Trustful Ones,  No matter how much we know in terms of the facts about a situation, or pervious experience in a matter  or possible area of expertise  in our field of study or practice;  there comes a point in our life where we  realize it is not sufficient. It's in these moments and times we have to ....  Life presents us with swift transitions and unpredictable circumstances where our knowledge or experience is not relevant to our ability to navigate the terrain of the unknown or unexpected occurrence in our life.  Here in lies the invitation to....  Life is interestingly amazing in how it delivers us opportunity to expand, grow, and flourish in the area of trusting that all will unfold as it needs to.  Life often hands us... "we are not in control card "when we least expect it,  whether it is on the work, home, or personal front.  Life has a way of hitt...